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Improve the way you move

How chiropractic care can improve mobility – and why it matters

Mobility is a funny thing: it’s the key to everything we want our bodies to do, and yet it’s something we rarely think about – until a lack of mobility stops us in our tracks (literally.)  

Mobility can help us age well, keeping us active and even preventing or slowing cognitive decline. Good mobility helps to prevent injury and can make the difference between a day filled with pain and stiffness – and one without. Good mobility means being able to do the big things – reach, bend, twist – and the small things: sit, stand, and even sleep without pain.  

While staying active is a key factor in maintaining your mobility, moves like stretching can improve flexibility by lengthening your muscles, but good mobility requires full range of motion in your joints and the surrounding muscles. Spinal misalignments can lead to joint imbalances and pressure and tension in the muscles, limiting your mobility and causing pain.  

If you can’t move quite the way you want to, you’re not alone. Mobility challenges are more common than you think. 19 million Americans identify as having limited mobility, and according to the CDC, 13% of American adults have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs.   

Chiropractic care can correct misalignments and imbalances that lead to joint restrictions, muscle pain, and tension so you can get moving again. Learn more in our new infographic.  

Ready to get moving again? Find a Chiro One clinic near you, or schedule an appointment today.

mobility infographic

Chiro One Wellness Centers

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