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Improve Your Mobility While Recovering from an Injury

By: Dr. Sam Wang

  • Create a mobility plan with your chiropractor. When your spine is biomechanically aligned, you’ll reduce additional load (wear and tear) on your joints.
  • Walk. Walking is a great way to improve mobility and get active because it’s low impact (and you can do it anywhere!) Aim for 10K steps per day. To maximize fat burning, your Chiro One doctor recommends targeting 20-40 minute intervals.
  • Stay active throughout the day. For every hour of sitting, try to get up and walk 100 steps.
  • Stay hydrated. Aim for half your body weight in ounces.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Simple habits can add up to big results. Small changes your chiropractor recommends include:
  • Avoid condiments like mayo, ketchup, cream-based salad dressing.
  • Avoid candy – that includes breath mints that contain sugar.
  • Stick to water – skip the soda and colored drinks.
  • Balance your plate. We recommend making 60% of your plate lean meat, beans/legumes, nuts, mushrooms, tofu or eggs.
  • Improve recovery time with supportive devices like braces or custom orthotics. We can scan you right here in the clinic to recommend and fit you for the right supportive device/brace to aid in your recovery.
  • Focus on building strength in specific muscle groups. We can customize exercises to help you build muscle while optimizing your recovery.

Know someone who could use more mobility and less pain?