Dr. Robert Butt
Our Evergreen Park Chiropractor
Education: National University of Health Sciences
Hometown: Bridgeview, IL
Each patient who enters Dr. Butt’s clinic soon understands that he lives by the commandment: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” They can tell that for him, respect and compassion are critical to being a successful doctor, and it motivates them to attend their appointments and complete their care plans. Because he also educates them so thoroughly on general health and wellness, many take the journey from first-time patient to lifelong supporter of chiropractic.
His values were instilled in him by his childhood community in Bridgeview, IL, and he still practices nearby in Oak Lawn. After a high school sports injury led him to discover naprapathy, he began to research chiropractic care, and soon decided to become a Doctor of Chiropractic specializing in sports injury care.
Wellness for Dr. Butt means achieving optimal health naturally — without addictive medications or invasive surgery.
He maintains his own by playing ice hockey, running, biking, regularly competing in triathlons and volunteering as a health screener and nutrition lecturer at the Mayslake Village Senior Assisted Living Center. Dr. Butt spends most of his free time with his wife and two children, and loves keeping them active in sports and fitness.
After earning both his BS and Doctorate of Chiropractic from the National College of Chiropractic, Dr. Butt got certified by the Copes Scoliosis Foundation to cast orthopedic braces and correct congenital scoliosis in young children through chiropractic care. He is also certified in Neuromechanical Impulse Adjusting Techniques and Contact Reflect Analysis.