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Dr. Dalton Lewallen

Our Eau Claire Chiropractor

Dr. Dalton Lewallen

Education: Northwestern Health Sciences

Hometown: Stanley, WI

Dr. Dalton was inspired to become a chiropractor by his own hometown chiropractor in Stanley, WI, where he grew up playing sport and enjoying the outdoors – hunting, fishing, camping. “Without my chiropractor, I wouldn’t have been able to continue playing sports.” Dr. Dalton’s own patients appreciate his honesty, and that he educates them about their spine and how it relates to their pain. He defines wellness as creating habits that allow you to maintain yourself physically and mentally. “My family helps to keep me grounded. I have a wife of 5 years and two beautiful girls and a little boy on the way. I enjoy spending my time unwinding in the outdoors to unwind and creating time for myself. I also enjoy working out at least 5 days a week to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Skilled in all areas of chiropractic care, Dr. Dalton specializes in chronic pain, pediatrics, and sports injuries.