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Dr. Anmol Chandock

Our Pleasant Prairie Chiropractor

Dr. Anmol Chandock

Education: National University of Health Sciences


Dr. Anmol Chandock 

Dr. Anmol was raised with a focus on holistic health, and he brings this background into his treatment approach with patients. He wants to enable patients to get in touch with their bodies and live their lives to the fullest potential. What can patients expect when they come to see Dr. Anmol? A fun, empowering environment and lots of helpful tips from the doc to help them reach their goals! 

Three Things to Know About Dr. Anmol 

  1. He is passionate about diet, nutrition, and exercise science. Because he’s so interested in holistic health and overall well-being, he wants to educate patients about how a healthier lifestyle can benefit them. 
  2. He’s got a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and he really cares about his patients’ mental health, along with their physical well-being.
  3. He prioritizes providing a great patient experience. Dr. Anmol wants people to feel comfortable when they come to see him, so he creates an environment where patients can tune out the outside world and just focus on their health & goals.